Saturday, February 14, 2009

Sad Friend

Tonight, I encountered an old friend online. She was sad and depressed because she's got no significant other in her life, and no prospects of one. Now, this girl is beautiful. She's bright, fun, active, independent - she's got a lot going for her. But she's, shall we say, discerning (read, picky - just like me) and hasn't been able to find someone who meets her standards where it hasn't fallen apart. I know exactly she she is and where she's been. Been through it all myself. Didn't know what to say. A therapist once said to me, "Loneliness is hard." In other words, there isn't much anyone else can do for someone who is lonely.

I wish this friend and I lived closer. We could be there for each other. I miss her. And I would like to be there for her. It would be nice for me, too, to have her company again.

I tried to talk her into considering moving back here. There are lots more people here, and so maybe more opportunities for her to meet people. She wasn't into it. Too bad. But, we may vacation together this summer. I'm hoping it works out. What we're planning will be expensive, but I hope we can work it out anyway. It would be great fun.

Sorry this isn't more inspired. Gotta try and get the fire going again - it's out. :-(

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